
Inspired by the Montessori method, our programs teach the children academic subjects as well as social education. They benefit from medical treatments and a hot meal a day. The learning of English as an international language is central.

GOKULA Play HomeEvening TuitionsParentage Program

The Gokula programme is meant for children between the ages of 2 and 5 and prepares them for school. From the basics of a language, to fine motor skills and various playing, the children have the opportunity to use toys and books.

The children's favourite subjects are often singing and dancing. The teachers integrate the educational content into these subjects.

In families, children sometimes don't have the possibility to do their homework in good conditions (lack of education of the parents, lack of electricity, no material or space in the houses, ...). This is why school support was created. Every day, more than 50 children attend the after-school care.

Under the supervision of professionals, the children can also use computer and school equipment, which promotes academic success.

This programme was the first to be set up in 1995. Children receive full financial support to pay for public school fees.

In addition to school fees, children in this programme benefit from school support and summer camps during the holidays, if their parents work.

Good results and visible commitment are required from children to continue to benefit from this programme and also to discourage cheating.